Saturday, October 5, 2019

Faulty forensic science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Faulty forensic science - Essay Example ts as to why there is a need for a centralized governing forensic science body to oversee the crime labs, and also look into the possibility that maybe, just maybe, forensic science is not always at fault when it comes to the acquittal or conviction of a criminal. Acknowledging the fact that the forensic field of criminal investigation is not fool-proof, the United States Department of Justice has decided that the time has come to establish a forensic commission that will set the standards and oversee the functions of crime labs nationwide. This commission is expected to set the standards that will be used to determine the forensic guilt of a criminally charged person. through the creation of a â€Å"a professional code for forensic scientists, set certification requirements and advise the Attorney General... In addition, the National Institute of Standards and Technology will double-check existing forensic science standards and develop new ways of making forensic measurements.† (Diep, â€Å"New Commission to Set Standards for Troubled Forensic Sciences†). Currently, there are no uniform rules existing to guide the forensic labs in the discharge of their jobs. The commission is expected to standardize their function and offer a sense of uniformity in their investigation and experimentation procedures. In 2009, the National Academy of Sciences reported that â€Å"much of the â€Å"science† used in crime labs lacks any form of peer review or validation – fundamental requirements for sound science. Such questionable forensic methods include long-established and accepted techniques such as fingerprint comparison, hair and fiber analysis, and bullet matching† (Clarke, â€Å"Crime Labs in Crisis: Shoddy Forensics Used to Secure Convictions†). The creation of this commission will then make the forensic labs answerable to the commission and prevent the failure of the justice system by sending an innocent person to prison or releasing a guilty person back into the general

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